
  • Trimming

    Maintenance trims on regular schedule as per equine’s needs (generally 4-6 weeks for horses, 6-10 donkeys)

    Horses: $85 (initial set up trim: $100*)

    Donkeys and Minis: $75 and up

    Draft: $130 (initial set up trim $150*)

    (For appointments farther from my home base, travel fee will be added as per additional time or mileage required).

    Trims requiring more than 45 minutes due to behavior/needs billed at $100/hour additional in 15 minute increments.

    *Initial set-up trims for overgrown hooves take longer but I am happy to put the time in to get your equine on better footing and discuss diet and possible environmental changes to help them.

    If your equine is comfortable, I may also use a electric grinder to improve a trim or reduce leverage or time required. This has been a real plus to some laminitic horses and also a life-saver for very hard hooves that I just cannot get the right trim on without.

    I recommend Red Horse Products for thursh prevention and rehab - especially arti-mud. I try to always have some with me if you would like to purchase a container. I also have refills of “Sole-Cleanse” spray. You can also purchase locally at Oleo Acres Farrier Supply or online at (ships from Colorado).


    Hay testing available - samples sent to Equi-Analytical. $25 for hay sampling, basic analysis $25 and test is $30- 65 depending on needs.

  • Glue On Hoof Protection

    (Photo above shows progress on third cycle of glue-ons after pulling shoes with a marked improvement in comfort).

    Why Glue-Ons? Well, n one chooses to run in metal shoes. When a horse needs added protection, stability or comfort with continued stimulation for their hooves there are so many beneficial options with glue-ons. I have taken three glue-on specific clinics as well as a lot of practice to be able to offer Glue On Shoes. The price depends on application materials and “shoe” selection. Prices reflect the cost of materials most of all. If you are interested in learning to apply your own post trim, please ask - I can teach you.

    I stock Floating Boot shells and EasyCare Versa Octo and performance glue ons. These applications do not require the horse to hold a foot up for any more than a normal trim requires and some glues set in a minute or less. I can also do direct glue + casting applications with Epona shoes as needed.

    Casting provides a lot of benefits without a glue on shoe component as well. Casting is $75+ per pair depending on packing/pads/etc. This can be a helpful 2-4 week alternative for improving hoof growth or providing comfort.

    Glue on Prices

    Versa Grip Acylic 275 (reset 240)

    Versa Grip Acrylic full set 400 (reset 350)

    Versa Octo Super Glue pair 250 (reset 200)

    Versa Octo Super Glue full set 350 reset (300)

    Floating Boots Epoxy - pair 250 (reset 200)

    Floating Boots Epoxy -full set 350 (reset 275)

    Floating Boots Acrylic -pair 300 (reset 250)

    Floating Boots Acrylic - full set 450 (reset 400)

    Epona Direct Glue + Casting - pair 350 (reset 315)

    Epona Direct Glue + Casting - full set 480 (reset 440)

  • Boots for Therapy & Performance

    I carry Easycare dealer and carry Cloud Boots as a therapy boot option for horses in pain due to laminitis, deep thrush or those needing support for a heel first landing. I also have with me a smaller selection of performance boots from a variety of companies. I also have some boots for rent or rent to own if needed. I am happy to help you measure for the best boots for your horse - there are many available. Booting consult/fitting $35 with trim (no charge with purchase of boots).

    I carry a wide variety of thicknesses and densities of foam padding as well as some other creative padding (yoga mat, wool felt, leather) to best assist the boots function. I also stock Cloud boot wedge pads in a wide variety of sizes.

    I try to keep a selection of Cloud Boots and Rx boots on hand as well. These are great in emergencies but also nice to have on hand and also great for trailering to reduce vibrational damage and improve comfort on longer trailer rides.

    I am a Scoot Boot Stockist and carry a full fit kit of Scoot boots along with accessories. I order boots and they can be drop-shipped to you or brought along to next appointment. Fitting is covered with purchase of 1 pair of boots or is $45 for full fitting. These are fantastic trail and riding boots!